International Consensus: Meat Does Not Do the Planet or Your Body Good

International Consensus: Meat Does Not Do the Planet or Your Body Good

By now you have heard that on Monday of this week, the cancer agency of the World Health Organization, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), released a report that definitively stated that processed meat causes cancer, and that red meat, including beef, pork and lamb, probably causes cancer, too.

The Sustainability Secret: Rethinking Our Diet to Transform the World

The Sustainability Secret: Rethinking Our Diet to Transform the World

Climate change stands to affect all life on this planet. Monster storms, raging wildfires, record droughts, melting ice caps, acidification of the oceans, even entire countries going underwater – that could all be caused by the burden of human beings on the Earth. Scientists are warning that unless we take drastic measures to correct our environmental footprint, our time on this planet may be limited to fifty more years.

These Environmental Groups Need a Wake Up Call: Sound the Alarm

These Environmental Groups Need a Wake Up Call: Sound the Alarm

After Cowspiracy co-director, Kip Andersen watched the documentary An Inconvenient Truth about the catastrophic impacts of global warming, he started following the advice of all of the major environmental organizations – composting, recycling, switching lightbulbs, shorter showers, bicycling over driving, you know the drill.  But when he discovered that animal agriculture plays a larger role in environmental destruction than even the fossil fuel industry, he was shocked that the organizations that he had been supporting had not even mentioned it.